Thursday, August 28, 2008

have these policies and measures been successful?

In the past, when slavery still takes place, only the Americans is given the right as they think that they are the more superior than the Negros, they are the “whites”. They do not deem the lives of the “blacks” as a living thing, but more of an object to do their bidding. Cases such as a black cannot take the same bus as the white or that their lives entirely depend on the owner whether he/she decides to let the slave live or die. The blacks have completely no freedom at all. So, can we still say that USA is a multi-ethnic country that everyone is equal and fair? During that time, is there any measures taken by the government that is beneficial to the blacks?
For now, I believed that these measures taken are successful as everyone is treated equally; no matter the person is an Americans or a Negros. As years goes by, there has been a very big improvement as compare to the past. Everyone in the country has the freedom to choose their own religion without any restriction and that fairness is ensuring in all kinds of situations. We can see that by doing this, the government is actually trying to maintain peace and order in the country so that there will not be more race riots, wars and disagreement from happening. While there measures are important, I think that the government in USA should continue to learn from Singapore some of the measures of what they can do that will benefit them very much.
I believed that to be truly successful in controlling religious and racial issues, it not only about carrying out policies and measures, but to also let people know about the consequences and learn from their mistakes before history repeats itself. Examples like racial riots, slavery of the Negros and the terrorists attacks by Saddam Hussein.
In order for policies/measures to be successful, punishment should also be meted out to those who failed to adhere to the policies. The price to pay should be given out in accordance to the seriousness of the offence committed. Serious offences should be given the death sentence and less serious offences should be given imprisonment in jail for a few years or strokes of caning.
Perhaps, due to the fact that Singapore was once a trading port for ships all around the world, we interact with people from different countries (Chinese, Malays, Indians, and Eurasians) who came here to earn a living. This shows that we have been living with each other for a very long time. Therefore, since young, the importance of having peace in the country has been imprints into our mindset, and also the reason why the government emphasizes about racial harmony every time. Furthermore, as Singapore became more advance, our government ensure that everyone is equal by taking measures like the population of people living in a hdb flat must be made up of a certain percentages of different races so that we will learn to get along with each other and we are proud to be Singaporeans for we are able to declared ourselves as a multi-culture countries without worrying that our lives is in danger. However, there are still pros and cons towards how ‘open’ are multi-ethnic countries. Here, to be able to voice out our disagreement, we have to write a proposal to the police to gained permission to speak in the speaker corner, this might restrict us to our freedom of speech but it ensures everyone not one gets too offended by the contents of the speech. But in USA, the people there are able to speak freely of their mind and what they think. However, the price to pay for them is that they might easily start a disagreement due to racism towards each other.
Therefore, the conclusion is that the measures taken to manage religious issues by both countries are successful. However, these measures take a different approach as to how they help to maintain it and both have it advantages in different areas. I think that if Singapore and USA is to combined both of their measures together to enforce these issues, than the success rate will be even higher and better



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel that this issue can be more widely debated on, as one must keep in mind that racism and the terrorists attacks are not exactly 'connected'. The Iraq war was first started by the US, with the international excuse that Iraq was harbouring the Al Qae-da, as well as, i believe with the motive of attaining Iraq's oil reserves for their own military consumption. Therefore, Racism and terrorism is not really connected in my opinion.

September 12, 2008 at 9:01 AM  

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